The Empowerment Academy
Grades: Pre-Kindergarten - 8th Grade
Address: 851 Braddish Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21216
Phone: 443-984-2381
School contact:
Ashley Moore
(443) 984-2381
School Liaison:
Alicia Tubman
About Us
What makes us unique?
The Empowerment Academy boasts a rigorous academic program that has high expectations for student learning. We currently use the Common Core State Standards to deliver high quality and rigorous instruction to students. In addition to academics, we teach our students the 6 pillars of character using the Character Counts curriculum.
Mission and Vision
The Empowerment Academy is an institution dedicated to excellence in academics and the arts:
Academic Excellence: All scholars will be at or above grade level in reading and math.
Excellence in the Arts: By the time scholars leave the 8th grade, scholars will demonstrate proficiency in an arts discipline through performance or portfolio.
Mission Statement
We empower all students to be self aware, confident, and critical thinkers by creating opportunities through academic rigor and the arts.
Safety - We create an (inclusive, nurturing, welcoming, and inviting) environment where all are mentally, emotionally and physically safe.
Excellence - Through the lens of high expectations, we will support our community to push beyond their limits to discover their boundless potential.
Growth - We celebrate all academic, socio-emotional, and artistic progress, while maintaining a growth mindset and a commitment to improve.
Creativity - We will be open-minded, innovative, and adaptive creators.
Community - We engage our school community by working together as a whole with mutual respect, collaboration, and shared accountability.
After School Programs
Arts Integration
Direct Instruction
Dress Code
Extracurricular Activities: Robotics, Dance Ensemble, Theatre Club, Running Club, Yoga Club, Art Club
Restorative Practices
Student Service
We are a community school
Host arts events for the surrounding community
Serve as a neighborhood food pantry
Host educational workshops for families in the community
The Baltimore Curriculum Project’s Leading Minds Series
The City Neighbors Progressive Education Summit
How to Apply
Parent can apply by visiting, click on "About Us" and select "Application. Complete the application in its entirety.