Our Work
Maryland public charter schools are united by a commitment to provide highly effective public school options to families. Our 49 public charter schools offer diverse missions that engage communities of students, parents and staff to do their best work and which result in good outcomes for Maryland's youth.
The strength of the charter school model rests on school level control. To be successful, charter schools need flexibility to respond to the needs of their unique community and a corresponding level of accountability for producing academic outcomes, positive school climates and sound governance and financial management. When this balance is achieved, charter schools are a vibrant strategy for bringing innovation to public education and reducing academic or programmatic gaps within public school systems.
Find A Charter
Charter schools are free, independently-operated public schools that have the flexibility and autonomy to meet your students’ needs.
Our Vision
The Maryland Alliance of Public Charter Schools (“Alliance”) is a non-partisan group that serves as a voice for charter school communities so we can:
Advocate for equitable and transparent conditions for public charter schools;
Offer support to new and existing public charter schools; and
Drive the discussion around innovative educational practices that lead to positive outcomes for students.
Our Team
McKenzie Allen
Executive Director
Stephanie Simms
Director of Operations
Michelle Culmore
Csp Program Manager
Tamara Lumpkin
Coordinator, Technical Assistant
The Board of Directors
Interim President | Shawn Toler
Interim Vice President | Meg Ward
Treasurer | David Stone, Ed.D.
Secretary | Brandon Cooper, Esq.
Director | Kea Smith
Director | Lisa Butler-McDougal
Director | Ron Rice
Director | Alex Mueller
Director | Kristina Kyles-Smith, Ed.D

MD Public Charter School History
Maryland state charter law is passed.
Components of Senate Bill 595 and House Bill 486 passed that contained several provisions to improve the environment for public charter schools and support the creation of more high-quality public school options for children, especially those from low-income households and make MD public charter schools eligible for federal and philanthropic funding.
Real Families, Real Stories
“Teachers are invested in the students and they are excited to be there.”
Valerie Duff, Parent
“At school I always feel engaged, especially in my favorite class which would be ELA Humanities. My teacher always makes sure that I feel like I am worth something.”
Shayla brown, student lilLIE maY carroll jackson PCS
“It’s very fun and very exciting to go. We go on very fun field trips.”
Yeferlyn, Student at patterson park pCS

Join The Movement
Join us! Share your Maryland Public Charter School story, talk to your lawmaker about an amazing teacher or program, & stand with us during key events.