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Baltimore Montessori Lead Montessori Guide

  • Baltimore Montessori Public Charter School (map)

Job Title

Baltimore Montessori Lead Montessori Guide


Baltimore Montessori Public Charter School

School Level


Location (County)

Baltimore City

Employment Type


Job Description

Preparation and Management:

  • Build a strong classroom community with positive communication skills, grace and courtesy lessons, and community meetings based on the school’s core values, pillars and three commitments

  • Create an engaging, student-centered environment where there is provision for individual, small and large group work

  • Prepare and maintain a clean and orderly environment - materials are complete, well maintained, accessible and in proper sequence

  • Provide an attractive learning environment with thoughtful displays of art and student work

  • Incorporate pets, plants, soft lighting, peaceful areas and practical life activities

  • Create and maintain a leveled literacy library

  • Designate and model use of the classroom peace area

  • Submit a substitute plan by the second week of school and weekly schedule to the office and Principal by the first day of school

  • Provide notice and information as per field trip approval form to the office

  • Comply with state, district and school policies and procedures, report any possible deviations

  • Guide students in leading community meetings/circles/songs daily

  • Support school mission and personal growth by taking leadership roles within the school

Teaching and Learning:

  • Provide gradual release of responsibility from small group, explicit instruction to guided practice to differentiated independent work

  • Record lessons and progress on weekly basis

  • Foster equitable participation in lessons and ensure engagement of all students

  • Integrate and document recommended interventions for struggling learners and required accommodations for students with IEPs or 504s

  • Collaborate with team and specialists regularly

  • Analyze and use data from a variety of assessments to determine students’ strengths and needs, to plan appropriate lessons and follow-up work, adjust instruction and to monitor progress

  • Provide a culturally relevant, literacy-rich learning environment with a variety of print materials appealing to diverse levels, learning styles and interests

  • Stay abreast of current research based educational best practices aligned with the Montessori method

  • Integrate Common Core Standards within the Montessori framework

  • Be open to new curriculum ideas that are relevant to our students’ interests

  • Integrate higher order thinking strategies/questions/discussions into daily curriculum

  • Plan daily reading and writing work for students using various materials (Waseca, leveled readers, literature, Fountas and Pinnell, Wilson, phonics program)

  • Provide ample opportunities for students to connect with new vocabulary and experience in multisensory ways based on prior experience and applying to real life context

  • Provide daily math practice for students connected to lessons, seminar or projects

  • Facilitate explicit opportunities for building critical thinking skills and collaborative work opportunities

  • Work with each student to develop personal learning goals, encourage self-reflection and provide ongoing eedback to encourage high quality work

  • Provide regular conferencing and feedback

  • Incorporate restorative practices, social-emotional learning, and Conscious Discipline tools

  • Adhere to the prevention and intervention protocol and complete discipline forms as needed

  • Integrate the garden, cooking, outdoors, art, movement, and area resources into instruction

  • Use the Epic Project Planning Tool for clear expectations and student reflection with projects

  • Integrate arts integration and cultural studies that are enriching and engaging

  • Expose students to other cultures and current event issues

  • Conference with each student at least monthly to develop and reflect on goals and discuss support needed

  • Ensure accurate completion of attendance daily

  • Notify parents and Principal of attendance and tardiness concerns

Assessment and Data Use:

  • Set aside time to observe students weekly

  • Maintain electronic portfolio for each student

  • Implement Math and ELA benchmark assessments and progress monitoring - ie. Amplify, MAP

  • Use multiple formative and summative measures to plan lessons, instructional adjustments, intervention, and progress monitoring

  • Create ambitious and realistic Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) according to required timelines and guidance

  • Submit progress reports in a timely, comprehensive, personalized, and well written manner

  • Complete level target document at year-end

  • Continue to collaborate on the planning and implementation of the social studies and science curriculum

Communication and Collaboration:

  • Build an open and trusting relationship with each child and family

  • Send weekly newsletter to families via Classroom Parent

  • Send monthly communication to each family regarding their child’s personalized work - document in Google doc shared with admin

  • Promptly communicate student concerns to parents/guardians in a private, respectable manner

  • Plan, encourage and document parent participation in conferences three times a year – Fall, Winter and Spring - or as needed

  • Be sensitive to multiple household families and those without email and work to communicate with all

  • Increase cultural competence to work effectively with families of all backgrounds

  • Respond to emails within 24 hours – weekends and holidays excluded. Copy admin on concerning emails

  • Address concerns through a direct conversation, free of emotion or judgment, ask questions

  • Ask for help when needed

  • Participate in regular evaluation process - observations, feedback conferences, self-evaluation, and goal setting to refine practice

  • Maintain regular communication with support staff re: lessons, planning, student support, etc.

Professional Growth:

  • Be prepared to actively participate in level meetings each week

  • Be open and present to actively participate in equity PDs and other school PDs and staff meetings

  • Seek resources and ask for help for those requirements or areas of curriculum that are not your strength

  • Stay abreast of current research and stay connected in the Montessori community.

How to apply

For prompt consideration, submit letter of interest, resume, and 3 references to


Candidate is required to have Montessori certification and/or Maryland State certification.

Minimum Education Level

Bachelor’s Degree

Benefit Information

In accordance with Baltimore City Public School’s contract

School/Organization Information

Founded in 2008, Baltimore Montessori Public Charter School is a mission-driven school in the historic community of Greenmount West.

Today, our school features beautiful spaces for learning and play, an extensive Seed to Table program, visionary leadership, talented and dedicated staff, and a dynamic and engaged parent community.

In our joyful and diverse learning community, children learn with the support of highly trained teacher-guides in carefully prepared classroom environments. In mixed age groupings, students explore a rigorous curriculum and engage in relevant projects that promote independence, critical thinking, and self-regulation.

Our whole child, hands-on approach supports students to develop the habits and mindsets necessary for success in school and in life. Key partners help us to meet the needs of our growing community and ensure our students have meaningful opportunities to explore the arts, develop their capacity for peace, and prepare for global citizenship.

Now serving 540 students in Pre-K3 through 8th grade, families travel from 26 different Baltimore City zip codes to attend our joyful and diverse learning community. Baltimore Montessori Public Charter School remains the first and only public Montessori school in Baltimore.

Later Event: March 15
Director of Finance