City Springs Elementary/Middle School


Grades: Pre-Kindergarten - 8th Grade
Address: 100 S. Caroline Street
Baltimore, MD 21231
Phone: 410-396-9165


About Us

What makes us unique

We believe that all students have talents and can learn through a variety of instructional experiences. We believe that Direct Instruction, Singapore Math, Core Knowledge, science, technology, and curriculum that is culturally relevant and focused on social justice are the best ways for our children to learn. We also believe that all students are unique, and their talents should be cultivated in a supportive and restorative environment that encourages students to find their voice and develop leadership qualities that foster self-esteem, self-motivation, and life success.

Mission and Vision

To be an exemplary, model school where all students are meeting or exceeding academic standards in reading and math, students feel the joy of learning, parents are involved, and the entire community nurtures a solid partnership. With this vision, we promise an education for Education for Life.


  • After School Programs

  • Athletics

  • Community School

  • Core Knowledge

  • Direct Instruction

  • Dress Code

  • Extracurricular Activities

  • Honors Courses

  • Mentoring Programs

  • Mindfulness Practices


  • Restorative Practices